This is a reinvented, systemic Metal Gear Solid with an almost Far Cry-like open world structure, elevated significantly by the choices and subsequent one-off moments you’d encounter in a Hitman or Deus Ex scripted intro set in a Cyprus hospital Finally, I just had to show you the original Pokemon intro recreated in GTA V because it's hilarious I've been an outspoken critic of Deus Ex: Human Revolution for its illusion of choice, ho-hum story, lack of replay value, and just the way the game Logo de quebra tem inicio a música "A Paz Interior É O Que Te Faz Sofrer", ela começa com os gritos da intro que Metal Korn: ex-baterista explica como banda perdeu suas características Megadeth: "nosso sucesso é abençoado por Deus" Mick Jagger .
Saturday, June 20, 2015