Deus Ex Youtube

Deus Ex Youtube

L'iniziativa non è stata accolta molto bene dagli appassionati della saga, e basta fare un giro sull'account Twitter di Deus Ex o su...
Deus Ex Jenny

Deus Ex Jenny

02:30 hs - Um novo começo Sinopse - A irresponsável Jenny vai morar com seu irmão Mas a situação se complica quando eles descobrem que um d...

Deus Ex Xbox 360 Walkthrough

Square Enix is looking into making the Xbox 360 version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution backwards compatible with Xbox One, it's been revea...
Deus Ex Jensen

Deus Ex Jensen

Two years after the events in Deus Ex: Human Revolution and almost five after its release, Adam Jensen is back to save the world from augmen...
Deus Ex Machina Lost Episode

Deus Ex Machina Lost Episode

Deus Ex Machina I felt the final episode was rushed and not at all satisfying I get it, this was all out war, and there were casualties. We...
Deus Ex Machina Lost Review

Deus Ex Machina Lost Review

Wenn sie am Ende ihres vokalen Auftritts quasi als vergoldeter "Puk" schmunzelnd am Bühnenrand sitzt, so wird auch schnell einsich...
Deus Ex Jacket

Deus Ex Jacket

I've been an outspoken critic of Deus Ex: Human Revolution for its illusion of choice The Great Escape, Full Metal Jacket, etc.). What...

Deus Ex Machina Latin Pronunciation

The influence of deus ex machina manipulation of events from outside seems inescapable and the UPFA (which are so well known as not to need...
Deus Ex Xbox One Release Date

Deus Ex Xbox One Release Date

Square Enix really wants PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC owners to pre-order Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. The publisher announced a release dat...