Originally released by Eidos Interactive in 2000, Deus Ex introduced gamers to a near-now future in which every conspiracy theory the internet could imagine was supposed true. Majestic 12, The Illuminati, The Knight's Templar – these and more jostled for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided will be out on February 23rd and also Because he feels that what he tried to do was buried by the Illuminati. Leonid Melikhov: He feels guilty. He feels a bit of guilt and he’s looking a bit for redemption and to find purpose Deus EX: Mankind Divided takes place in 2029 This attitude was encouraged by the machinations of a terrorist group called the Illuminati. In this title, Adam Jensen will be seen dealing with this terrorist group to demand equality for the augmented Przedstawiciele studia Eidos Montreal opublikowali dziś tweet, który zdradzał częściowo datę premiery gry Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, jednak dzień i miesiąc zostały zasłonięte przez symbole Illuminati, co sprowokowało fanów serii do rozpoczęcia Deus Ex : Mankind Divided sortira le 23 février 2016 sur PC la date de sortie camouflée par des pyramides aux yeux centraux, caractéristiques des Illuminati, accompagnée de la mention « Aujourd’hui sera un jour intéressant .
Friday, June 12, 2015