So I've been told you need Smooth Operator, not Ghost, wherever possible in order to get this. What's the exact limitations of Smooth Operator? I have received the Ghost/Smooth operator bonus for all chapters on board the ship. Deus Ex: Human Revolution; DX:HR General Discussion; Missing Link seeing inconsistency both in gameplay and what people are saying in terms of what exactly grants you Ghost (1000xp) and Smooth Operator (250xp). Entering the Dragon's Lair - Deus Ex: Human Revolution: After viewing the recording it's time to make your way up to the Penthouse. Exit the room and then carefully Deus Ex: Human Revolution Deus Ex: Human Revolution That allows someone to play the game however they want and not worry about ghost/smooth operator bonuses. If you do not get 'Smooth operator' Don't worry, Deus Ex - Foxiest of Hounds -- CONFIRMED METHOD. Deus Ex - Foxiest of Hounds -- CONFIRMED METHOD. .
Problem with smooth operator in the hangar escaping - posted in Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Directors Cut: Hi everyone, I met a problem for the trophy Foxiest of the .