Deus Ex Racist

Deus Ex Racist

For the most part, the characters in Deus Ex: Human Revolution stick to the middle of the road. There's the tortured, hard-to read protagonist, the 9 Comments on Is Deus Ex: Human Revolution Racist? Martie. On August 31, 2011 at 9:25 am. I thought this was a parody and GF was f*ckin with me at first hahah. Here's What Square Enix Says About Deus Ex's "Racist" Character Human Revolution's publisher responds to criticism of one of the game's NPCs. A woman digging through the trash isn't an unexpected sight in the world of Deus Ex. However, when she starts talking, some players may find Letitia the Trash Lady Deus Ex: Human Revolution scored well with the critics when it launched just a couple short weeks ago. Though Letitia the trash picker from Detroit, with so i'm playing DXHR when i talked to this person for part of a quest in the game. after hearing the character speak, one thing came to mind: was it Eidos's .

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