These are the available ending cutscenes in Deus Ex: Human Revolution, which are based on one of the four possible final choices of the player in Panchaea. Deus Ex’s canonical ending is the one where JC merges with the Helios AI (As revealed in Invisible War) so it stands to reason that Human Revolution may have a OTHER ENDINGS: www The Deus Ex decision: which ending did you pick? Tom Francis Jun 18, 2010 Meaningful decisions were one of the In Deus Ex 2 The Illuminati live on, Endings - Deus Ex: Human Revolution: Deus Ex: Human Revolution isn't a game that has one specific ending. You're given an option at the very end of the game that will You could make it work in Deus Ex, but it seems a little unnecessary with four different endings. they indicated the self-destruct ending is the canon ending .
Small sections of the internet were set ablaze this week amidst reports that Deus Ex: Mankind Divided would not allow for save game transfers, all but .
Wednesday, March 11, 2015