No. A deus ex machina resolves a plot. The Eagles in LoTR turned up after the Ring was destroyed. So, no go. You can argue that the Eagles bore Mithrandir to Lorien. A lot of writers are warned away from Deus Ex Machina endings. It's good advice; it's a lazy way out and can make the ending seem forced and emotionally unsatisfying. Deus ex machina is Latin for "god from the machine" and is a calque from the Greek "από μηχανής θεός", (pronounced "apo mekhanes theos"). The eagles are literal Deus ex machina as they are severants of the god Manwe the reason that they dont To sign up for an account with The Escapist: The Heinrich Maneuver Deus Ex Machina custom bike crafted from a BMW. Deus Machina makes high-end motorcycles and loses money on each one. Reading Eagle Company . A deus ex machina is a plot device, commonly used when an author has written themselves into a .
Deus Ex Machina in Fantasy fiction saved time and again by the miraculous interventions of Gandalf and the Eagles. What’s wrong with a Deus Ex Machina? .